* Matt started saying "love you hon". Now he calls me hon a lot. "Sorry hon", "more hon", etc.
* He's learned the word "lost" and applies it when someone isn't around. He has a book where Little Critter's mom gets lost at the mall. Yesterday we were looking for Dev at church and he says "Daddy lost mall"
* He tells people "'mon!" when he wants them to go with him
* He likes having his basketball when Devon has his. He will make Devon carry his around while Matt carries his and get mad if Dev tries to put it down. It's so funny. He has even slept with it. One day Devon was going to basketball and Matt was going with me somewhere and he saw Dev with his basketball stuff and got his basketball and said, "Too! Too! See ya Mommy"
* Speaking of basketball, he put some little basketballs in the play oven and said, "hot balls".
* He loves to sing and has used the mega blocks as microphones. The cutest is when he makes up his own songs.
* Dev was lying in Matt's bed with him at bedtime telling him a story or something. Matt says, "night, sleep tight", then gets off the bed to go play.
* "more" is "mo", "nurn" means "turn", he used to say "ya-yee" for "sorry", now he says "sorry", "eww, dose!" means, "eww, gross!"
* "hure" is "sure"