Thursday, May 28, 2009

It's a Boy!!!

We had our ultrasound on Tuesday morning! It's a boy! We're really excited! His name is going to be Matthew Devon Newman. :) It's so fun to actually get to buy stuff now that I know the gender and we're getting the nursury ready to paint, so fun! Four and a half months doesn't seem like a long time to me, I have a lot to do!! :) I love his little foot! It's so cute! (The pics are from my phone so they're not too great sorry, we need to get a camera!!!)

Friday, May 22, 2009


Okay, so I got on my mom's computer and looked at my blog and it doesn't look the same as on my computer! I'm really frustrated, so if you think my blog looks crazy and the pics and text are in weird places, that is not how it was supposed to be :( Hopefully I can figure out how to fix it.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Life lately with the Newmans!

Well, there are so many fun things happening in our life lately! To start off, baby update! I am seventeen weeks today! In sixteen days we find out what we're having! I had a doctor's appointment this past week and everything is looking good. I got to hear the heartbeat and also see the baby on the mini ultrasound. It was so cute.
This weekend Devon went to Washington and Oregon to race the Baja car that he and his team built for their senior project. Here are some pics of the car he built and the other car they took up from last year. I'm so proud of him, he's so smart and talented.

I stayed at my parents most of the time. Friday night I scrapbooked with my aunts. Saturday morning I went to Jazzercise with my mom. After, we went to Blake's soccer game. Wow, watch out, he is amazing! I sure hope he plays in high school because he is great at it. My dad took my mom and I to lunch for Mother's Day. We went to Goodwood! Mmm.....Yummy! My mom and I scrapbooked a little after we got home. That night I went over to Matt's house. He cooked us(Dan, Elise, his date and his roommates) chicken and potatoes in the dutch oven. We ate outside on blankets, so nice to have good enough weather to do that. Today was my first Mother's Day! My gifts from Devon haven't come yet, I picked them out of a catalog and asked him if he wanted to buy them for me. :) My mom gave me a fun little kit for the hospital complete with a nightgown, gum, socks, etc. My grandma gave me a cute bar of soap. I'm so excited to be a mom! I'm also so excited for Dev to get home. He gets home tomorrow!!!